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lumo vs planck vs clojure vs pixie.

I was looking to use Clojure for scripting. A few years ago there was not much options. Recently the scenario changed rapidly. The options currently available are:

Each of the options have advantages and disadvantages. Clojure with the JVM has brings the full power of the JVM, the portability to many different target platforms, an endless ecosystem of libraries, multi-threading, etc. However the JVM+Clojure has a startup cost which is more accentuated on short execution scripts.

ClojureScript engines have emerged more recently thanks to the fact that the ClojureScript compiler is now bootstrapped in JavaScript (aka: you don’t need Java to compile ClojureScript).

Two tools, in this space, have become quite popular recently: planck and lumo. The first one uses JavaScriptCore ported to C for portability. The second one uses V8 engine. Both offer ways to connect to the host system and to leverage available libraries in the ClojureScript ecosystem.

Finally pixie-lang is a Clojure-like language which implements its own virtual machine on top of the RPython framework. Isn’t fully compatible with Clojure, however is similar enough to feel familiar. Additionally it offers a easy FFI access which allows easy access to native C libraries. It implement its own tracing JIT compiler.

I ran a few tests with all of them and one test in particular surprised me. I ran the following script in all of them and capture the execution time:

(defn Σ [n]
  (reduce + (range (inc n))))

(println (Σ 1000000000))

Here are the results:


$ lumo --help
Lumo 1.6.0

$ time lumo -e "(defn Σ [n] (reduce + (range (inc n)))) (println (Σ 1000000000))"

real     0m46.851s
user     0m46.750s
sys      0m0.123s


$ planck -V

$ time planck -e "(defn Σ [n] (reduce + (range (inc n)))) (println (Σ 1000000000))"

real    0m17.756s
user    0m17.972s
sys     0m1.504s

JVM Clojure

$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)

$ time java -jar clojure-1.8.0.jar -e "(defn Σ [n] (reduce + (range (inc n)))) (println (Σ 1000000000))"

real    0m7.554s
user    0m7.891s
sys     0m0.437s


$ ./pixie-vm -v
Pixie 0.1 (36ce07e)

$ time ./pixie-vm -e "(defn Σ [n] (reduce + (range (inc n)))) (println (Σ 1000000000))"

real    0m0.672s
user    0m0.659s
sys     0m0.008s


Summary table:

| Tool           | Elapsed time |
| lumo           |      46.851s |
| planck         |      17.756s |
| JVM            |       7.554s |
| JVM (pre-warm) |       6.320s |
| pixie          |       0.672s |

Now leaving aside the fact that for some reason both planck and lumo got the wrong result [1], the difference in timing is impressive. The most impressive result is the pixie-vm JIT performance which in this special case of tight loop it goes even faster than the JVM. Even removing the JVM cold start and Clojure compilation JVM still performs around 6.3s.

I don’t know whether the work on pixie it is going to proceed, however the benchmark result is the testament of the great work that Timothy Baldridge et al. have put into this project.

  1. planck and lumo and ClojureScript in general are hosted on top of JavaScript. JavaScript specifications defines only one type of primitive numeric value which is a double-precision 64-bit floating point binary format IEEE 754-2008 value. This floating point format defines 53-bits for the mantissa which stores the actual number, some of which could be decimal part. If you are representing a integer value then you can use all 53-bits for the integer part. Therefore the largest integer you can represent in this case is 2^53 -1 which is 9007199254740991. The reason why planck and lumo show a different result is that the result of the operation is way larger than the max integer in JavaScript so the sum operator computes the result and it rounds it up to the nearest representable value in IEEE 754-2008 format (see: Applying the Additive Operators to Numbers). Clojure over Java or .Net and pixie use a 64-bit integer format which it can fully represent the result of the operation. 

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