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Cascalog by examples (part 1)

In the past 2-3 years I’ve been using a number of different technologies on top of Hadoop for querying and processing BigData.

All of them have advantages and drawbacks, some are easier to start with, others looks more familiar. The one I’m personally settled with is Cascalog.

In this post I will make examples of queries using Apache Pig and SQL for comparison. The examples will start with the most basic query and step-by-step I will add a new elements to it showing how the SQL compares to Pig and how both compare to Cascalog.

Why Cascalog?

There are two broad categories of work that you normally do with your data: querying and transforming, some tools are better suited for querying such as SQL some others have features which allow you to perform custom transformation of your data.

Cascalog, in my opinion, is a superior approach for both for a number of reasons. Firstly it’s a Clojure DSL. Manipulating data with Clojure is by far easier than most of general purpose languages (Java, Python, C, Ruby, etc). I’ll explain my claim in another post, but will suffice to say that it has hundreds of functions to manipulate data, it’s on the JVM so you can leverage any existing library and the language it’s homoiconic which means that the source code is made of the same data structures (lists) which you can use for your data, and you can use the same functions that manipulate your data to manipulate your source code at compile time.

In languages like Pig and Hive, in order to make complex manipulation of your data you have to write User Defined Functions (UDF). UDFs are a great way to extend the basic functionality, however for Hive and Pig you have to use a different language to write your UDFs as the basic SQL or Pig Latin languages have only a handful of functions and they lack of basic control structures. Both they offer the possibility to write UDFs in a number of different languages (which is great), however this requires a programming paradigm switch by the developer. Pig allows to write UDFs in Java, Jython, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby and Python, for Hive you need to write then in Java (good article here). I won’t make the example of UDFs in Java as the comparison won’t be fair, life is too short to write them in Java, but let’s assume that you want to write a UDF for Pig and you want to use Python. If you go for the JVM platform version (Jython) you won’t be able to use existing modules coming from Python ecosystem (unless they are in pure Python). Same for Ruby and Javascript. If you decide to use Python you will have the setup burden of installing Python and all the modules that you intend to use in every Hadoop task node. So, you start with a language such as Pig Latin or SQL, you have to write, compile and bundle UDFs in a different language, you are constrained to use only the plain language without importing modules or face the extra burden of additional setup and, as if is not enough, you have to smooth the type difference between the two languages during their communication back and forth with the UDF. For me that’s enough to say that we can do better than that. Cascalog is a Clojure DSL, so your main language is Clojure, your custom functions are Clojure, the data are represented in Clojure data types, and the runtime is the JVM, no-switch required, no additional compilation required, no installation burden, and you can use all available libraries in the JVM ecosystem.

There are other reasons for which Cascalog is better than Pig, Hive et al. Just to mention few you have a very easy and high level query language which is based on logic programming and rule inference, you can and it is encouraged to write sub-queries and reuse them. Therefore you can write complex processing by composing simple sub-queries. Cascalog comes with a framework to test your queries and jobs while other tools have very little to support testing. If you have done any non-trivial job with Hadoop you know the pain of running job over and over and have to fix one error at the time. The integration of Midje (a Clojure testing tool) with Cascalog enables you to write completely in-memory tests which will behave like in the Hadoop cluster. Finally probably one of the most important feature, you have a REPL (Read, Eval, Print Loop) which enables you to explore your data in a more interactive way.

Another big reason for using Cascalog is that you can reuse your query and transformation in both: a batch process or a real-time streaming solution. In fact Cascalog is just an higher lever abstraction on top of Cascading. Cascalog allows you to compile your query into a lower level concrete execution plan, and you could also write a custom compiler to generate an execution plan for a tool which you want to use. For example Cascalog query can be compiled to MapReduce jobs, to SQL or Apache Storm.

In this post I won’t be able to cover all those topics but I will try to give a good introduction to the basic querying capabilities. I will try to write a follow up post with more advanced use.

Stop talking and let me see some code…

To start you will need to install Leiningen, then you can clone the repo which contains the data used for this post and the query samples.

git clone
cd cascalog-examples
lein repl
nREPL server started on port 53433 on host
REPL-y 0.2.1
Clojure 1.5.1
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
          (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
    Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e


Once the REPL is started you can run:

(use '
(use 'cascalog.api)
(require '[cascalog.logic.ops :as c])

Which will load the sample dataset and the Cascalog APIs.

This will load two taps (Cascalog data sources) one called USERS and the second one called SCORES. At this point let’s see how the sample data looks like:

(take 5 USERS)
;=> (["Kiayada Wyatt" "kiayada33" 33 "France" true]
;    ["Dominic Ochoa" "dominic43" 72 "United Kingdom" false]
;    ["Cherokee Hammond" "cherokee10" 22 "Russia" false]
;    ["Gemma Foley" "gemma36" 28 "Italy" true]
;    ["Ginger Garcia" "ginger55" 28 "India" false])

(count USERS)
;=> 500

NOTE: this data is randomly generated, including names, ages, scores and countries.

The Cascalog data format is based on tuples. In the above example we have the first 5 records which each contains 5 tuples which are: name, user, age, country, active and there are 500 users in total.

The SCORES dataset looks like this:

(take 5 (shuffle SCORES))
;=> (["jorden78" "Tetris" 2875]
;    ["noelle32" "Packman" 9389]
;    ["celeste17" "Arkanoid" 3248]
;    ["nadine28" "Packman" 582]
;    ["austin60" "Street Fighter" 3907])

(count SCORES)
;=> 6000

Now you are good to go.

I will show the same query in SQL then Pig and finally Cascalog.

Show all records

A simple projection of fields and of course you can change the disposition and the number of fields in the projection side


SELECT name, user, age, country, active


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
DUMP users;


(?<- (stdout)
     [?name ?user ?age ?country ?active]
     (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active))

Here Cascalog adds an implicit reduce step to remove duplicates. If we really wish to have the same query as SQL and Pig we should add (:distinct false) on our Cascalog query.

In reality the above query is split in to parts: one is the actual query the second part is the command to execute it and tell Cascalog where to put the output.

  • 1) query
(<- [?name ?user ?age ?country ?active]
    (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active))
  • 2) execution
(?- (output) query)

for this reason we encapsulate the execution into a Clojure function run<- which we’ll use to run our queries.

(defn run<- [query]
  (?- (stdout) query))

This is come comparable to the SQL statement

 (<- [?name ?user ?age ?country ?active]
     (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)))

Simple filter

In this case we apply a simple filter on a field we want to see all active users


SELECT name, user, age, country, active
 WHERE active = true;


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
out = FILTER users BY active == true;
DUMP out;


 (<-  [?name ?user ?age ?country ?active]
      (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
      (= ?active true)))

Additional filters

Now we can see how easy is to add multiple filters


SELECT name, user, age, country, active
 WHERE active = true
   AND country = "India";


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
out = FILTER users BY active == true AND country == 'India';
DUMP out;


  [?name ?user ?age ?country ?active]
  (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
  (= ?active true)
  (= ?country "India")))

OR condition

Expressing OR conditions is a bit more complicated. In Clojure #’or is a macro not a function, so is not composable as function, and need to be wrapped.


SELECT name, user, age, country, active
 WHERE active = true
    OR age >= 70;


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
out = FILTER users BY active == true OR age >= 70;
DUMP out;


(deffilterfn active-or-senior [active age]
  (or active
      (>= age 70)))

  [?name ?user ?age ?country ?active]
  (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
  (active-or-senior :< ?active ?age)))

Simple transformation

The optional :< keyword denotes input fields to the function the output can be then placed into field with :> for example if we want to perform a simple transformation on a field, such as making the username uppercase we can run


SELECT name, UPPER(user), age, country, active


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
out = FOREACH users GENERATE name, UPPER(user), age, country, active;
DUMP out;


  [?name ?user2 ?age ?country ?active]
  (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
  (clojure.string/upper-case :< ?user :> ?user2)))

of course you can map over any custom clojure function, but in this case you will have to use one of the special def like defmapfn. The def* macros from Cascalog they add a bit of info into the the var so that cascalog will know how to distribute your custom function in the jar for hadoop


(defmapfn my-upper [s]
  (clojure.string/upper-case s))

  [?name ?user2 ?age ?country ?active]
  (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
  (my-upper :< ?user :> ?user2)))


Some simple aggregations over the entire dataset


SELECT count(*), avg(age)


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
g = GROUP users ALL;
out = FOREACH g GENERATE COUNT(users), AVG(users.age);
DUMP out;


 (<-  [?count ?average]
      (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
      (c/count :> ?count)
      (c/avg :< ?age :> ?average)))

Group aggregations

Now aggregation over a group


SELECT count(*), avg(age), country
 GROUP BY country;


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
g = GROUP users BY country;
out = FOREACH g GENERATE COUNT(users), AVG(users.age), group;
DUMP out;


 (<-  [?count ?average ?country]
      (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
      (c/count :> ?count)
      (c/avg :< ?age :> ?average)))

NOTE: this is unintuitive. In this case we just added a field in the projection and nothing else and magically the aggregation is now over a group. Where is the GROUP BY equivalent clause?

In Cascalog the GROUP BY is implicit (as explained here).

Let’s find the number of active users by country


SELECT count(*), country
 WHERE active = true
 GROUP BY country;


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
a = FILTER users BY active == true;
g = GROUP a BY country;
out = FOREACH g GENERATE COUNT(a), group;
DUMP out;


 (<-     [?count ?country]
         (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
         (= ?active true)
         (c/count :> ?count)))

Post aggregations filtering (HAVING)

If you want to find the number of active users by country and display only those who have 25 or more active users


SELECT count(*) as count, country
 WHERE active = true
 GROUP BY country
HAVING count >= 25;


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
a = FILTER users BY active == true;
g = GROUP a BY country;
f = FOREACH g GENERATE COUNT(a) as count, group as country;
out = FILTER f BY count >= 25;
DUMP out;


 (<-     [?count ?country]
         (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
         (= ?active true)
         (c/count :> ?count)
         (>= ?count 25)))


to sort the result set we can use the :sort predicate


SELECT name, user, age, country, active


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
out = ORDER users BY age DESC;
DUMP out;


Global sorting is not very common in big data, most of the times you will sort by group. However if you have to sort the entire dataset you have to write a function which takes a query and a list of fields to sort by.

In this case Cascalog it makes it more difficult that any other tool :-(, you have to write a custom function. Luckily you can write it once and reuse it many times.

(require '[cascalog.logic.vars :as v])
(import 'cascalog.ops.IdentityBuffer)

(defn global-sort [sq fields desc?]
  (let [out-fields (get-out-fields sq)
        new-out-fields (v/gen-nullable-vars (count out-fields))]
    (<- new-out-fields
        (sq :>> out-fields)
        (:sort :<< fields)
        (:reverse desc?)
        ((IdentityBuffer.) :<< out-fields :>> new-out-fields))))

  (<- [?name ?user ?age ?country ?active]
      (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active))
  ["?age"] true))

Top-N by group

Here we want to find the two oldest active user per country

To do this in SQL we need to do some serious SQL kung-fu!! Frankly it’s unreadable, none could easily say what this SQL query does.


    SELECT, u.user, u.age,
     FROM USERS as u
       ON =
      AND u.age <= u2.age
    WHERE = true
      AND = true
 GROUP BY, u.user
   HAVING count(*) <= 2;

NOTE: this O(n^2) very bad!!!

Top-N by group is a rather complicated matter in SQL, here you can find some alternative approaches

The Pig version is a bit more intuitive:


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
a = FILTER users BY active == true;
g = GROUP a BY country;
out = FOREACH g {
   s = ORDER a by age DESC;
   l = LIMIT s 2;
DUMP out;

However in Cascalog it’s very easy: you make a projection by country (which creates a group) and in the group you sort by age, reverse and take the top 2


 (<-    [?name1 ?user1 ?age1 ?country]
        (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
        (= ?active true)
        (:sort ?age)
        (:reverse true)
        ((c/limit 2) ?name ?user ?age :> ?name1 ?user1 ?age1)))


If we want to display the real name of each user together with the game they played and their score we will need to:


    SELECT,, s.score
     FROM USERS as u, SCORES as s
    WHERE u.user = s.user;


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
scores = LOAD './data/scores.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (user:chararray, game:chararray, score:int);
j = JOIN users BY user, scores by user;
out = FOREACH j GENERATE users::name, scores::game, scores::score;
DUMP out;

In order to join multiple datasources you need just to add their tap and by mentioning the same field name on multiple sources Cascalog will automatically infer the join key.


 (<-    [?name ?game ?score]
        (USERS  ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
        (SCORES ?user ?game ?score)))

If we want to display all user which are younger than 15 and have more than 6000 points playing Tetris we will need to:


    SELECT s.score,, u.age,
     WHERE u.user = s.user
       AND = "Tetris"
       AND u.age < 15
       AND s.score > 6000;


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
scores = LOAD './data/scores.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (user:chararray, game:chararray, score:int);
fu = FILTER users BY age < 15;
fs = FILTER scores BY game == 'Tetris' AND score > 6000;
j = JOIN fu BY user, fs by user;
out = FOREACH j GENERATE fs::score, fu::name, fu::age, fu::country;
DUMP out;

In order to join multiple datasources you need just to add their tap and by mentioning the same field name on multiple sources Cascalog will automatically infer the join key.


 (<-    [?score ?name ?age ?country]
        (USERS  ?name ?user ?age ?country ?active)
        (SCORES ?user ?game ?score)
        (= ?game "Tetris")
        (< ?age 15)
        (> ?score 6000)))

If we want to find the who scored the highest points at the Tetris game we will need to:


SELECT s.score,, u.age,
 WHERE u.user = s.user
   AND = 'Tetris'
   AND s.score = ( SELECT max(score) FROM SCORES WHERE game = 'Tetris' );


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
scores = LOAD './data/scores.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (user:chararray, game:chararray, score:int);
fs = FILTER scores BY game == 'Tetris';
gfs = GROUP fs ALL;
maxscore = FOREACH gfs GENERATE MAX(fs.score);
j = JOIN users BY user, fs by user;
j2 = JOIN j BY score, maxscore BY $0;
out = FOREACH j2 GENERATE j::fs::score, j::users::name, j::users::age, j::users::country;
DUMP out;


(defn max-game-score [game]
  (<- [?mscore]
      (SCORES _ ?game ?score)
      (= game ?game)
      (c/max ?score :> ?mscore)))

 (max-game-score "Tetris"))

 (<- [?score ?name ?age ?country]
     (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country _)
     (SCORES ?user ?game ?score)
     (= ?game "Tetris")
     ((max-game-score "Tetris") ?score)))

As we seen from the previous example is very easy to define sub query and reuse them. In this example I want to find the top 3 scorer per game. This type of queries is very common for the analytics folks (top-n by group)


   SELECT, s.score,, u.age,
     FROM SCORES as s
       ON =
      AND s.score <= s2.score
     JOIN USERS as u
       ON s.user = u.user
 GROUP BY, s.user
   HAVING count(*) <=3;

NOTE: this O(n^2) very bad!!!


users = LOAD './data/users.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (name:chararray, user:chararray, age:int,
            country:chararray, active:boolean);
scores = LOAD './data/scores.tsv' USING PigStorage()
        AS (user:chararray, game:chararray, score:int);
j = JOIN users BY user, scores by user;
g = GROUP j BY game;
t = FOREACH g {
   s = ORDER j by score DESC;
   l = LIMIT s 3;
out = FOREACH t GENERATE game, score, name, age, country;
DUMP out;


 (<- [?game ?score1 ?name1 ?age1 ?country1]
     (SCORES ?user ?game ?score)
     (USERS ?name ?user ?age ?country _)
     (:sort ?score)
     (:reverse true)
     ((c/limit 3) :< ?name ?score ?age ?country :> ?name1 ?score1 ?age1 ?country1)))

Conclusion Has we seen in the previous exmaples Cascalog is very

compact and intuitive. Compared to Pig and SQL is slightly more succint. However in more complex examples is were we can really appreciate its simplicity. Again, Cascalog has plenty of other features which I will try to cover in future posts. The best way to learn it is to try it, and if you find difficulties you can always post a message to the Cascalog user group.

For this article I’ve used:

  • Cascalog 2.1.0 with Clojure 1.5.1
  • Apache Pig 0.12.1
  • MySql 5.5.37

List of updates:

  • 2014/06/06 Fixed mis-labelled code block (thanks Shashy)
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